
Food Causes Of Vaginal Discharge In Women

Lens Healthy : Food Causes Of Vaginal Discharge In Women, - The dangers of kah-often occurs in women? Vaginal discharge is normal and reasonable thing. But there are times when a woman's vaginal discharge is very disturbing. The disorder can be due to itchiness or smell that is not savoury in area V.

White did not come without a cause, it's just that a lot of people who don't know will it. Many factors cause vaginal discharge, from starting to parasites, fungi, viruses, and bacteria. Of the several types of bacteria cause vaginal discharge could even trigger the emergence of a more dangerous diseases such as syphilis and gonorrhoea. Another factor is the cause of vaginal discharge is from the food consumed. What are some foods that? Let's read more below:

Food causes of vaginal discharge in women

Food Causes Of Vaginal Discharge In Women
Food Causes Of Vaginal Discharge In Women

1. Cucumber

The berries are often used as vegetables in the Sundanese food nature increases the production of hormones esterogen. This will make women who consume excessive cucumber will experience vaginal discharge. But consume in a reasonable amount of stay is recommended.

2. Tomato Paste

For lovers of spaghety or pasta would've not familiar with tomato paste. Similarly, the connoisseur of pizza. Unlike with fresh tomato is good for health, tomato paste have been processed by fermentation. The fermentation process which uses yeast that's not good for you and can cause a vaginal discharge.

3. Egg

Animal protein that is easily obtained and processed has a number of calories and protein. Due to the high second substance that can stimulate the body to excrete a whitish mucus form in women.

4. Shrimp

Shrimp should not consume excessive because the protein contained in shrimp can also make women experience vaginal discharge. For your culinary seafood lovers may want to consider this before consuming a shrimp.

5. Candied

Sweets are basically made from fresh fruit. But in sweets usually mixed with preservatives which when consumed by women then it could lead to the occurrence of vaginal discharge.

6. Cheese

Cheese is commonly used in food, such as macaroni cheese or more. Cheese contains a lot of calcium for bones, but if a woman mngkonsumsi cheese in berebihan every day then it can cause vaginal discharge.

7. Tape cassava

These foods are made using the fermentation process that is by using yeast to make it. Foods that use yeast in General can interfere with certain hormones which result in a discharge of mucus or commonly called vaginal discharge.

8. Pineapple

Pineapple fruit is included in the list of foods that are prohibited for pregnant women. Beside that, it turns out that pineapple is also forbidden to be consumed in excess because it can cause vaginal discharge in women.

9. Fried foods

Eating fried foods when the rainy season is accompanied with chilli or tomato sauce much favored by the public, especially Indonesia. On the fried foods contain a lot of oil that's not good for the health of your skin especially the face. Other effects arising from consuming fried foods are the cause of vaginal discharge in women.

10. Spicy Food

If talking about spicy food/food must contain a certain amount of chili. In Chili there is substance to the capsicum can increase bacterial growth and this could be a trigger for whiteness.

11. Sugar

Excess sugar consumption can trigger the development of the fungus in the body. Whitish fungus Candida Albicans that is widely grown in area V, one factor is the trigger foods that have high sugar levels such as candy, pastries, Donuts, sweet soft drink, and fruits such as banana, durian and grapes contain high sugar content or Glycemic. The term "yeast food is sugar" is right, the more sugar in your body, the easier mushrooms that grow. If you want to avoid a whitish, avoid to consume excess amounts of sugar.

So some of the foods that can trigger the onset of vaginal discharge in women. If you still want to consume the food, then consume sparingly and not excessive.

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