
Symptoms And Causes Of High Cholesterol

Lens Healthy : Symptoms And Causes Of High Cholesterol, - Who wouldn't want to live healthy and free of high cholesterol? To achieve that goal, we must know what are the symptoms and causes of high cholesterol. High cholesterol has indeed become a very frightening scourge in society. Moreover, if we know the dampak-dampaknya. Then, a lot of effort that we have to do in order to have healthy cholesterol. So, nowadays many people willingly menggelontorkan funds not a little just to restore the fortunes of the already sick, to become healthy again. Wouldn't it be better to prevent than cure? For that, from now on we have to know the symptoms and causes of various diseases including high cholesterol, a disease that is rarely noticed by most people.

As in the quotation from vemale.com, many do not know the symptoms that they had high cholesterol. Many of them just assume usual pain which can be obati with generic drugs to cure it. But it turns out they consider ordinary pain it could be a symptom of high cholesterol they don't realize. In fact, many once the threat of diseases that could arise a result of HDL cholesterol such as stroke, heart to diabetes.

Symptoms and signs Are High Cholesterol

Symptoms And Causes Of High Cholesterol
Symptoms And Causes Of High Cholesterol
Offered in the Livestrong.com and in the quotation by Vemale.com, here's your cholesterol symptoms and signs are high and should be soon on beware to soon on obati.


This tingling can be a sign of blood circulation is not smooth. So nervous, not getting blood flow. If you are too often tingling could be the possibility of excess fats (LDL/bad cholesterol) in the blood so that the flow is not smooth.

Nape, neck and shoulder sore

If part of the nape, neck or shoulders are now often feels sore may be so you are having ketidaklancaran on pebuluh blood that could be caused due to the build-up of LDL in the blood kolesterl.

Chest Pain

If you feel your chest pain and weight without a clear reason in this course could be a sign or symptom of high cholesterol. Immediately check to make sure because if kept at let it can cause a heart attack.


These symptoms may be thought of as a disease of the head often common in naturally. However, if the pain to you at the back of the head, this could be caused by your cholesterol is high. If this continues to be left can cause stroke are dangerous to kesahatan you. Immediately consult a doctor if you frequently experience this.

For mengindari this high hazard kolestrol surely you should start back to healthy living patterns such as regular exercise, eating healthy foods non fat and cholesterol, and much more.

Did You Know About The Causes Of The Emergence Of High Cholesterol?

Let's find out, what are the causes of high cholesterol that is natural in many people. With this information, know certainly can be important information to you in order to avoid the disease being one of ' being both the ' killer diseases in the world.

Offered by Health.com, as well as in the quotation by Vemale.com, kolestrol causes this high there are several factors. However, the usual happened is as follows:

1. Overweight
Many say if obesity or a protruding abdomen became one of the causes of the rise of fat in the blood, and it is indeed true. Just think logically. A fat person usually has a pattern of excessive eating and less healthy. For those who have more weight is also too much consumption of foods that contain lots of fat. So obesity could be the cause of high cholesterol. For the solution of course you have to have an ideal body weight as well as a healthy diet as key to a healthier you.

2. Eating patterns
It is very important you set up your diet. Moreover, in the choose the type of food you are looking for because a lot of food out there that high cholesterol-rich such as seafood, milk, oil, red meat, cheese, butter, and much more. So it's very easy once the bad cholesterol is increased if your diet is not controlled.

3. Age
Age can be a cause of cholesterol naturally if it already exists in the figure of 20 years. Then it's the diusia should really do the pattern of healthy living.

4. Family history
Genetic factors may be the cause of you exposed to high cholesterol. If your family has high cholesterol there is possible illicit you can experience it, too.

5. Rarely Checks the health of
A medical checkup or check health is the important thing. Young age no guarantee you can be healthy throughout the day. Better start routine health checks since a young age. So you can control it directly if have health problems such as cholesterol.

6. Cigarette smoking
Of course you already know the dangers of smoking. Smoke it could be lowered HDL levels or good cholesterol LDL or bad cholesterol so increased. For that, from now on stop smoking!

7. Daily activities is bad
The pattern of activity or activity you are also a factor that could be the cause of the rise in cholesterol. Activities such as lazy malasan, bed, in front of the TV/computer all day can trigger increased levels of LDL or bad cholesterol, and also lower the good cholesterol (HDL). Ativitas a lot better and a lot of moves to lower your cholesterol. One of them is doing a sport regularly.

Well, now you have much idea about the cause of the bad cholesterol. Now, you can avoid things that could make your LDL levels rise. Well, now the author of natural therapy tips will tell you that you can do at home to lose high kolestrol easily and cheaply.

Make This Fresh Juice At Home As High Cholesterol-Lowering

If you already know what are the causes of high cholesterol, now it's time you knew how to drop him. Who said it was difficult to lower cholesterol? In addition to the many food consumption without the cholesterol and fat, exercise, rest enough you can also lower cholesterol in a way that is delicious and refreshing. One of them is with the consumption of fresh juices-lowering HDL cholesterol. The juice is it?

Offered by Liputan6.com, if fresh fruit isn't just tasty and delicious, but also very useful for health. In this paragraph, we will discuss the fruit became one source of nutrition to lower bad cholesterol. Content of minerals, vitamins, other nutrients & contained in this fruit is very needed by the body. Now you can sport the easy way for you to enjoy at home that is by the way in the juice.

Who would have thought, juice this one turns out can serve as a natural cholesterol medicine that can help lower cholesterol levels in the blood, as in the quotation by the great Halls of research and development of medicinal plants and traditional medicine Balitbang Kemenkes RI posted Saturday (20/2/2016). The ingredients for this juice is as follows:
  • 100 ml boiled water cooler
  • 100 g strawberries
  • 3 tbsp shaved ice cubes
  • 150 g red seedless watermelon fruit
A way of making it easy, mix all ingredients above into one way in a blender, then ready to serve. In addition to how to make it easy, the material is quite easy in the search. And also, it tastes good makes anyone definitely likes to drink it. But, there are more important and major outstanding can be pleased to lower your cholesterol. Interested to try it out today?

Fruit strawberries is allegedly good for avoiding the negative effects of high cholesterol. What are its effects? We have already written in paragraphs-paragraphs start. This could be easy strawberries you get, especially if you are in the area of the plateau. If in West Java there are certainly Ciwidey, Bandung is a place where you can get this red fruit with very much. However if you are not in the area of the plateau, you can simply go to the market or traditional artisan fruit to get create a sweet fresh acids.

Offered by Newsmaxhealth.co, that the levels of LDL/bad cholesterol is going down about 8.78% triglycerides will be down by 20.8% but good cholesterol will not drop if you consume strawberries for 1 month. This great fruit could be one solution and good news for those of you who would love to lower cholesterol in a safe way, naturally, without chemicals, and certainly easy and cheap also. Content and other benefits from this strawberry fruit not only for cholesterol, but the fruit is very rich in vitamins especially Vitamin C and antioxidants. As we know if it is the antioxidant substances that indeed needed by the body to ward off free radicals that will go into the body. Then, this could be a fun solution to address the wide range of ailments, including high cholesterol.

So an article about the symptoms and causes of high cholesterol, as well as natural ways to treat it. Please share this article on social media. Because once you do share, can make millions of people escape from the dangers of high cholesterol.

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