
How To Banish Powerful Tartar Naturally

Lens Healthy : How To Banish Powerful Tartar Naturally, - Tartar is indeed quite disturbed our teeth, especially when chewing or while eating something. It feels somewhat Scotch on the part of our teeth. Tartar can also interfere with the appearance of the teeth so it looks not unsightly, sometimes until it appears yellowish. From here we will share tips on how to dispose of the Tartar.

To remove tartar, most people will go to the doctor, but actually, you can also perform this procedure yourself at home. But to remember is, this way will not eliminate Tartar as soon as that is done by a dentist. To remove coral that builds up, there are several treatment options. Please refer to the below:

How To Banish Powerful Tartar Naturally
How To Banish Powerful Tartar Naturally

The materials needed are:

  1. Hydrogen peroxide
  2. Water
  3. The powder was baking soda
  4. Salt
  5. Antiseptic Mouthwashes
  6. Dental pick
  7. Brush your teeth

Here's how:

  1. Mix one cup of hydrogen peroxide with 1/2 cup of warm water, then kumurlah with the mixture for one minute. Waste, then rinse with 1/2 cup cold water.
  2. The most common tools and effective way to get rid of tartar is baking soda. Combine 1 tablespoon of baking soda with 1/2 teaspoon of salt in a Cup. Then, dip the toothbrush in warm water and dip them in the mix. Start brushing your teeth using the mixture. The whole process must be done for 5 minutes.
  3. Rinse the mouth with an antiseptic mouthwashes.
  4. Use a dental pick to clear reefs on the teeth. Do it carefully, so as not to erode and damaging Your gums.

Tips For Keeping Your Teeth Stay White Glow

1. Gargle
After eating we sometimes forget or lazy moment after eating for berkumur-kumur or even more brushing my teeth. When age is already eating or brushing my teeth after a meal, then automatically can eliminate the rest of the rest of the food is harmful to teeth.

2. avoid alcohol
As we know the Lord is not only damaging to the body you could whack. kiki Because there is a lot of alcohol in harmful substances currently can make bad breath and other health problems including your teeth. Alcohol has ruined the teeth if taken continuously. So you should avoid alcohol if you want whiter teeth clean and healthy.

3. Quit smoking
The activity of smoking is a habit that is very common and it gets worse is regarded as a habit that cannot be abandoned. As we know, smoking can cause many diseases such as shortness of breath, cancer of the oral cavity, and the cavity of the throat. And it turns out that cigarette smoking can also cause your teeth yellow. If you want whiter teeth healthy and clean should you have already quit smoking.

4. the Diligent brushing my teeth
Brushing my teeth is one way to maintain the cleanliness of teeth from remains of food that we consume. Brush your teeth before bed was very instrumental in making our teeth clean and white since we will clean the teeth stuck in the teeth when we eat. Rajin-rajinlah brushing my teeth after breakfast and before bedtime so that your teeth are awake from germs of disease damaging the teeth.

5. Diligent to the dentist
One way if you already have already have yellow teeth is to go to the dentist. Because the doctor will give proper care to the teeth we keep in mind that different people different treatments for teeth. So, the doctor will complete our problem in the right way and according to the type of gear that we have.

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