
This Risk In deficiency of the hormone progesterone in women

This Risk In deficiency of the hormone progesterone in women

This Risk In deficiency of the hormone progesterone in women
This Risk In deficiency of the hormone progesterone in women
Lens Healthy : This Risk In deficiency of the hormone progesterone in women, - The symptoms are due to a deficiency of the hormone progesterone in women bermancam of sorts, possibly currently you are experiencing it. Let's see together what happens if the female hormone progesterone deficiency.

The hormone progesterone is one of the primary hormones in women, these hormones have an important role in metabolism and controlling activities of hormones in women. Therefore when you lack the hormone progesterone you will experience complications.

This hormone is produced in the ovaries, responsible with what happened in the uterus during halftime and the end of menstrual silkus. This hormone is very important during the first pregnancy, to prepare the womb and implantation of the egg will be fertilized.

The symptoms are due to a deficiency of the hormone progesterone does not only occur in women of menopausal age or sunset of age, but can also occur in young women experiencing PMS (premenstrual syndrome). Due to the lack of the hormone progesterone is as follows:
  1. Miss V dry, women often experience drought on her when miss V toward menopause, drought also resulted in intimate relationships become painful.
  2. Weight gain abdominal diarea, a result of a shortage of the hormone progesterone will cause weight gain around your stomach.
  3. Lack of memory, will be reduced when you are experiencing a shortage of the hormone.
  4. Fatigue, if you fatigue is not clear, you may have experienced a shortage of the hormone progesterone.
  5. Insomnia, if you could insomnia or not try to check maybe you're experiencing low the hormone progesterone.
  6. Depression, lack of this hormone can cause a lot of despresi also raises the problem of suicide.
  7. Ovarian cysts, irregular menstrual cycle can lead to ovarian cysts are also due to low levels of the hormone progesterone.
  8. The menstrual cycle is irregular, you may experience a cycle mens 20 days instead of 28 days, or may be experiencing heavy menses for 1 month and after that the next months not mens altogether this could result from a deficiency of progesterone.
  9. Heavy menstruation, you will experience bleeding, and clotted bleeding.
  10. Premestrual Syndrom, the emergence of an atmosphere of anxiety, mood or susasana heart changed suddenly, this is due to a deficiency of the hormone progesterone.
  11. Miscarriage, this hormone deficiency can also lead to the occurrence of miscarriage in pregnancy.
  12. Infertility, women are not able to ovulate and have no fertility.
Well that's the Symptoms due to a shortage of the hormone progesterone in women, then you must be diligent to check the condition of your health from now on.

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